The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), defines a disinfectant as, "(usually) a chemical agent (but sometimes a physical agent) that destroys disease-causing pathogens or other harmful microorganisms but might not kill bacterial spores." *
ArmiClenz® Disinfectant is just that, a disinfectant which eradicates 99.999% of bacteria and other disease-causing pathogens or harmful microorganisms in 10 minutes.

Kill 99.999% of Bacteria and 9.99% of Viruses, when used as directed.
1. Preclean surfaces prior to treatment, if necessary.
2. Spray 6-8 inches from surface until visibly wet.
3. Let stand and remain visibly wet for 10 minutes.
4. Wiping or rinsing is optional
To learn what hard, non-porous surfaces are, click here.
To Learn about our EPA Disinfectant Registered Claims, click here.

Rid Your Kitchen of Germs Living on Surfaces
Deep cleaning your kitchen efficiently and effectively keeps germs away.
Read on to learn how to effectively deep clean your kitchen.

Keep the Human Rhinovirus Away!
Safely and Effectively Kill Harmful Bacteria and Viruses
It only takes a few steps.

Rinsing is NOT Enough!
ArmiClenz® Disinfectant safely removes bacterial decay, handling residue, and organisms living on fruits, vegetables, herbs/spices, and sprouts.